S6 04: April 2024 - Kinbote + more

S6 04: April 2024 - Kinbote + more
Lost Map

Join PICTISH TRAIL and LAURA for an hour of Lost Map gossip, excruciating Madonna raps, and anti-monarchy ranting. Oh, there’s also some music ... from VICTORIA HUMELOST MAP presents WEIRD WAVE, plus a taste of some PostMap Club tunes from SUSAN BEAR, AFTERLANDS and a live session from SULKA.

Our featured interview this month is with MATT GIBB of KINBOTE, who talks us through the making of his second album for Lost Map, HEMISPHERE. A kaleidoscopic cut’n'paste glitch-core day-dream of an album, it’s released on limited edition CD with a printed zine of essays, lyrics and artwork, on Friday 12th April, and is being launched at The Glad Café in Glasgow on Sunday 14th April. Link to album pre-order, and launch party tickets in the show notes.

To support what we do at Lost Map, you should join our membership club - PostMap Club! Membership starts at just £3, and you'll receive printed postcards delivered to your door every month, containing download codes for new music from the label. You'll receive a badge, too - as well as a newsletter and a discount of 15% on all records, CDs, tapes and other merch in our webshop. Digital & gift memberships are also available. Visit lostmap.com/club for details on how to join.

NEW MEMBERS (including Gift Subscriptions) during April 2024, will receive a bumper pack of postcards + TEN YEARS OF LOST MAP, a brand new double CD containing 44 of our best tracks from the last decade!


  1. Victoria Hume - ’Steady State'

  2. Susan Bear - ’Drift' (clip)

  3. Afterlands - ’Whale Song’ (clip)

  4. Kinbote - Clips from Hemisphere

  5. Kinbote - ’OnoSecond’

  6. Lost Map presents Weird Wave - 'Magic Wire'


This episode of the Lost Map Podcast was presented by Pictish Trail and Laura Doherty, edited and with additional production from Joe Cormack.