S5 11: November 2023

S5 11: November 2023
Lost Map

Join hosts PICTISH TRAIL and LAURA for another hour of Lost Map goodness, including (not due to popular demand, or indeed any sort of demand) a reboot of long-lost regular feature, First Gig Worst Gig.

It’s November, the nights are fair drawing in, and LAURA reckons it's the start of winter already. PICTISH TRAIL is still in a summery mood, and tries to pay Laura a compliment on her hair - but ends up talking about his own greasy locks for possibly too many minutes. Thankfully there’s some new music to keep you entertained - the obligatory track from LOST MAP PRESENTS WEIRD WAVE, an archive track from EAGLEOWL, as well as some new music on PostMap Club from TWO WHITE CRANES, VICTORIA HUME and SUSAN BEAR.

There’s no featured interview this month, but we have resurrected an ol’ fave - FIRST GIG WORST GIG, in which artists tell us about the first gig they attended as a punter, and the very worst gig they’ve ever played themselves. It’s a bumper edition of the segment, with confessions from both SEAMUS FOGARTY and ALEXIA AVINA, who conveniently have new releases out this month on vinyl. PLUG PLUG PLUG.

To support what we do at Lost Map, you should join our membership club - PostMap Club! Membership starts at just £3, and you'll receive printed postcards delivered to your door every month, containing download codes for new music from the label. You'll receive a badge, too - as well as a newsletter and a discount of 15% on all records, CDs, tapes and other merch in our webshop. Digital & gift memberships are also available. Visit lostmap.com/club for details on how to join.

NEW MEMBERS (including Gift Subscriptions) during November 2023, will receive a bumper pack of postcards + all three releases in this the most recent VISITATIONS series, by Emma Kupa, Makeness and Alliyah Enyo.



  1. Lost Map presents Weird Wave - ’Big Jetty’ (Single Edit)

  2. Alexia Avina - ’Second Thoughts’

  3. Victoria Hume - ’Oblivious Structures’ (clip)

  4. Two White Cranes - ’City Streets’ (clip)

  5. Susan Bear - ‘It’s You’ (clip)

  6. Seamus Fogarty - ’Time For A Kit Kat’

  7. Eagleowl - ’Not Over'


Join PostMap Club: lostmap.com/club

Lost Map presents Weird Wave LP

Alexia Avina - In The Pantheon Of Decay LP

Seamus Fogarty - Hee Haw EP

Caps and T-shirts

New records from Lost Map

If you’d like to get in touch with us, plop us an email: club@lostmap.com

This episode of the Lost Map Podcast was presented by Pictish Trail and Laura Doherty, edited and with additional production from Joe Cormack.