S5 09: September 2023 - Ten Years Of Lost Map, Part 2

S5 09: September 2023 - Ten Years Of Lost Map, Part 2
Lost Map

In possibly their most “method” episode yet, established actors PICTISH TRAIL and LAURA accurately portray the overwhelming sense of hangover from last month’s 10th ANNIVERSARY shows. They should win a Podcast Oscar, if such a thing exists.

Somehow PICTISH TRAIL and LAURA have survived Lost Map’s busiest month, celebrating the label’s official 10th anniversary. But if you thought all the milk had run dry from our birthday celebrations … well, you were probably right … but we’re still squeezing the udders for one final dusty spray of cherished memories.

There’s chat about all the fun times had at HOWLIN’ FLING!, and our experiences at GREEN MAN festival, as well as a trip down memory lane, playing our fave tracks of the past ten years by MANUELA and TUFF LOVE.

We’ve also got brand NEW tunes from our PostMap Club - including the second single from LOST MAP presents WEIRD WAVE, the return of SEAMUS FOGARTY, plus a fresh cut from SULKA’s forthcoming album Distractions.

To support what we do at Lost Map, you should join our club - PostMap Club! Membership starts at just £3, and you'll receive printed postcards delivered to your door every month, containing download codes for new music from the label. You'll receive a badge, too - as well as a newsletter and a discount of 15% on all records, CDs, tapes and other merch in our webshop. Digital & gift memberships are also available. Visit lostmap.com/club for details on how to join.

NEW MEMBERS (including Gift Subscriptions) during July 2023, will receive a bumper pack of postcards + all three releases in this the most recent VISITATIONS series, by Emma Kupa, Makeness and Alliyah Enyo.


1. Lost Map presents Weird Wave - ‘Unrecognise!'

2. Seamus Fogarty - ’They Recognised Him’ (clip)

3. Sulka - ‘Windup’ (clip)

4. Manuela - ’Cracks In The Concrete’

5. Tuff Love - ’Sweet Discontent’


Join PostMap Club: lostmap.com/club

Lost Map presents Weird Wave LP

Sulka - Distractions LP

Caps and T-shirts

New records from Lost Map

If you’d like to get in touch with us, plop us an email: club@lostmap.com

This episode of the Lost Map Podcast was presented by Pictish Trail and Laura Doherty, edited and with additional production from Joe Cormack.